Krooth, Richard 1935- (Mark Able, R. Feldman, Dick Krooth, R. Krooth, Richard Lowenrosen)

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Krooth, Richard 1935- (Mark Able, R. Feldman, Dick Krooth, R. Krooth, Richard Lowenrosen)


Born May 8, 1935, in Chicago, IL; son of Arthur Louis (a merchant) and Helen (a teacher) Krooth; married Ann Baxandall (a teacher, photographer, and writer), August 30, 1963; children: Karl William. Ethnicity: "White-Peruvian/Austro-Hungarian/Dutch/ Teutonic/Russo-Slavonic." Education: De Paul University, B.S., 1958; University of Wisconsin—Madison, J.D., 1962; attended Atlanta University, 1963-64; University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D., 1980. Politics: "Progressive." Religion: "Global."


Home—Berkeley, CA. Office—Harvest Publishers, P.O. Box 9515, Berkeley, CA 94709; fax: 510-843-0815. E-mail—[email protected].


Constitutional attorney, 1962-77; Law and Labor Research Group of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, director, 1978-79; University of California, Santa Barbara, professor, 1979-82; Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WI, visiting professor of American socio-economic institutions, judicial systems, and political science, 1983-84; California Institute of Management, Berkeley, professor of political science and comparative socio-economic and ecological development, 1985-89, research associate, 1987-89; San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, lecturer in interdisciplinary social sciences, 1990; Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, lecturer in criminal justice, 1991-92; Golden Gate University, San Francisco, adjunct professor of international and ecological studies, 1993—. Harvest Publishers, member of board of directors, member of research and editorial staff of Harvest Quarterly, 1975-78. Omega School, research associate, 1969-72; University of California, Riverside, professor, 1979-81; University of California, Berkeley, visiting scholar, 1985-86, research associate, 1989, 1993—; speaker at colleges and universities, including University of California, Davis, and University of Winnipeg. Wisconsin Alliance Research Center, research director, 1968-72; Isla Vista Community Research Group, coordinator, 1980-81; Americas Research Group, director, 1983-84; American Arbitration Association, arbitrator, 1983—; Scientific Legal Services, Inc., jury consultant, 1987—. Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, member of civil liberties staff, 1962-64; Riverside County Criminal Youth Division, CA, academic director of Diversion Team, 1980-82.


American Sociological Association, American Economic Association, Association of Borderlands Scholars, Pacific Sociological Association, Western Social Science Association, Georgia Bar Association, Berkeley Ecological Scholars, Phi Gamma Mu, De Paul Alumni Association, University of California Alumni Association, Smithsonian Institution (associate).


Grants from University of California, Riverside, 1979-93, Texas A&M University, 1989-91, and Louis M. Rabinowitz Foundation.


Empire: A Bicentennial Appraisal, Harvest Publishers (Berkeley, CA), 1975.

Japan: Five Stages of Development and the Nation's Future, Harvest Publishers (Berkeley, CA), 1976.

The Great Social Struggle and the Foundations of Social Theory, Harvest Publishers (Berkeley, CA), Volume 1, 1978, Volume 2, 1979, Volume 3, 1980.

Arms and Empire: Imperial Patterns before World War II, Harvest Publishers (Berkeley, CA), 1981.

The Struggle for Grenada: A Question of Authority, the Executive, the Congress, and the Invasion, Wisconsin Peace Press, 1984.

The Dynamics of Enterprise in the American Milieu, CIM Press, Volume 1: Socio-Economic Contours, 1985, Volume 2: Legal Dimensions, 1988.

(With Hiroshi Fukurai) Common Destiny: Japan and America in the Global Age, McFarland and Co. (Jefferson, NC), 1990.

(With Hiroshi Fukurai and Edgar W. Butler) Race and the Jury: Racial Inequality and the Search for Justice, Plenum (New York, NY), 1993.

(With Boris Vladimirovitz) The Quest for Freedom: The Transformation of Europe in the 1990s, McFarland and Co. (Jefferson, NC), 1993.

(With Minoo Moallem) The Middle East: A Geopolitical Study of the Region in the New Global Era, McFarland and Co. (Jefferson, NC), 1994.

Mexico, NAFTA and the Hardships of Progress: Historical Patterns and Shifting—Methods of Oppression, McFarland and Co. (Jefferson, NC), 1995.

The Great Homestead Struggle, Harvest Publishers (Berkeley, CA), 2000.

Ecosystems in Distress, Harvest Publishers (Berkeley, CA), 2000.

Not Neutral: The Swiss Banks, the Holocaust and the Pillage of Wealth (e-book), (New York, NY), 2001.

(With Edgar W. Butler, Hiroshi Fukurai, and Jo-Ellan Dimitrius) Anatomy of the McMartin Child Molestation Case, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2001.

(With Hiroshi Fukurai) Race in the Jury Box: Affirmative Action in Jury Selection, State University of New York Press (Albany, NY), 2003.

A Century Passing: Carnegie, Steel, and the Fate of Homestead, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2004.

Other writings include Gaia and the Fate of Midas: Wrenching Planet Earth, 2007. Work represented in anthologies, including The 1992 Los Angeles Riots and the Rebellion, edited by Mark Baldassare, Westview Press (Boulder, CO), 1994. U.S. sociology correspondent, Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay, India), 1979-84. Contributor to academic journals. Some writings appear under the names Dick Krooth or R. Krooth, or under the pseudonyms Mark Able, R. Feldman, or Richard Lowenrosen.


Richard Krooth once told CA: "For clarity of thought, writing is a necessity that helps me focus on the logic of expression. Almost all my ‘knowledge’ comes from extensive world travel, acting as a witness through sight and the printed word. By inflows from sound, touch, smell, taste, as well as the inexplicable intuitive rush, I reproduce images with words on paper, or mediate by type, again on paper. I practice writing, too, building up secret files, stowing away the wordsmith's failures and successes. The writing craft appears in innumerable drafts, helping to guide and direct my future script.

"Inspiration to write has been the lot of those stirred by the beauties and injustices of times present and past. My own creative source has sprung from such beginnings, too, though the focus of my work has gradually turned from the confines of political economy to the condition of human society consumed in the maelstrom of global stresses, environmental degradation, and avaricious or mindless measures. The ‘Fate of Midas’ has beset too many in the quest for self-advancement, leaving stark poverty for half the globe and ecosystems in desperate disarray. Of these, with so many others, I am compelled to write."



American Studies International, October, 1991, review of Common Destiny: Japan and America in the Global Age, pp. 95-96.

Choice, April, 1993, D.V. Schwartz, review of The Quest for Freedom: The Transformation of Europe in the 1990s, p. 1383.

Contemporary Sociology, May, 1994, Gary LaFree, review of Race and the Jury: Racial Inequality and the Search for Justice, pp. 358-359.

Geographical Journal, March, 1997, Gerald Blake, review of The Middle East: A Geopolitical Study of the Region in the New Global Era, p. 94.

Journal of Latin American Studies, February, 1997, Sidney Weintraub, review of Mexico, NAFTA and the Hardships of Progress: Historical Patterns and Shifting—Methods of Oppression, pp. 235-236.

Library Journal, February 1, 1993, Joseph P. Parsons, review of The Quest for Freedom, p. 99.

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