Westerberg, Stig (Evald Börje)

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Westerberg, Stig (Evald Börje)

Westerberg, Stig (Evald Börje), Swedish conductor; b. Malmö, Nov. 26, 1918. He studied at the Stockholm Musikhögskolan (1937-42) and with Kletzki in Paris. He was a répétiteur at Stockholm’s Royal Theater (1943-46) and then conducted at the Oscarsteatern; after conducting the Gävleborg Sym. Orch. (1949-53), he returned to Stockholm as a conductor at the Royal Theater; in 1957 he became chief conductor of the Swedish Radio Sym. Orch. He taught conducting at the Musikhögskolan from 1969, becoming a prof. there in 1971. From 1978 to 1985 he was chief conductor of the Malmö Sym. Orch. He became well known for his performances of both traditional and contemporary Swedish scores.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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Westerberg, Stig (Evald Börje)

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