Héritte-Viardot, Louise-Pauline-Marie

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Héritte-Viardot, Louise-Pauline-Marie

Héritte-Viardot, Louise-Pauline-Marie, French voice teacher and composer, daughter of Pauline Viardot-Garcia; b. Paris, Dec. 14, 1841; d. Heidelberg, Jan. 17, 1918. She was for many years a singing teacher at the St. Petersburg Cons. She then taught in Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, and Heidelberg. She was also a composer. Her opera Lindoro was performed in Weimar (1879). She further wrote the cantatas Das Bacchusfest (Stockholm, 1880) and Le Feu de ciel, some chamber music, and vocal exercises. Her memoirs (tr. from the original German) were publ. in Eng. as Memories and Adventures (London, 1913).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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Héritte-Viardot, Louise-Pauline-Marie

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