
views updated May 21 2018

bra·vo / ˈbrävō/ • interj. used to express approval when a performer or other person has done something well: people kept on clapping and shouting “bravo!”• n. (pl. -vos) 1. a cry of bravo: bravos rang out.2. a code word representing the letter B, used in radio communication.bra·vo2 • n. (pl. -vos or -voes) a thug or hired assassin.


views updated Jun 08 2018

bravo (It.). Brave, fine. Exclamation of approval which therefore has no need to alter, though purists would insist on brava for a woman performer, bravi for male performers, and brave for female performers. Superlative form is bravissimo.


views updated Jun 08 2018

bravo cry of approval. XVIII. — F. — It. (see prec.).