Aus den Sieben Tagen

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Aus den Sieben Tagen (From the Seven Days). 15 comps. by Stockhausen (1968) for varying ens. for upwards of 3 musicians. Each piece has a verse or text to suggest a mood the players must create, a way of playing, combinations of both, etc., e.g. No.14 Goldstaub (Gold Dust) for small ens.: ‘Live completely alone for 4 days without food in complete silence, without much movement. Sleep as little as necessary, think as little as possible. After 4 days, late at night, without talking beforehand, play single sounds WITHOUT THINKING what you are playing. Close your eyes. Just listen.’ The 15 items are 1. Richtige Dauern (Right Durations), about 4 players; 2. Unbegrenzt (Unlimited), ens.; 3. Verbindung (Union), ens.; 4. Treffpunkt (Rendezvous), ens.; 5. Nachtmusik (Night Music), ens.; 6. Abwärts (Downwards), ens.; 7. Aufwärts (Upwards), ens.; 8. Oben und Unten (High and Low), th. piece for man, woman, child, 4 instr.; 9. Intensität (Intensity), ens.; 10. Setz die Segel zur Sonne (Set sail for the Sun), ens.; 11. Kommunion (Communion), ens.; 12. Litanei (Litany), speaker or ch.; 13. Es (It.), ens.; 14. Goldstaub (Gold Dust), small ens.; 15. Ankunft (Arrival), speaker or speaking ch.