The Young One

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The Young One ★★½ La Joven; Island of Shame 1961

Traver (Hamilton) is a black jazz musician who escapes from his southern town when he's wrongly accused of raping a white woman. He hides out on a small island which is used as a private hunting ground for rich sportsmen, overseen by Miller (Scott), the game keeper. Hamilton gets work as the new handyman and becomes close to the young Evalyn (Meersman). When Miller rapes Evalyn, it's Traver who's once again accused until things can be put right. Racist elements are heavy-handed; one of Bunuel's lesser efforts. Based on the story “Travelin' Man” by Peter Matthiessen. 94m/B VHS . MX Bernie Hamilton, Zachary Scott, Kay Meersman, Claudio Brook, Graham Denton; D: Luis Bunuel; W: Hugo Butler, Luis Bunuel.

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