Yabuki, Susumu

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YABUKI, Susumu

YABUKI, Susumu. Japanese, b. 1938. Genres: Area studies. Career: Oriental Economist, Tokyo, Japan, staff writer, 1962-67; Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, researcher, 1967-76; Yokohama City University, Yokohama, Japan, associate professor, 1976-85, professor, 1985-. Consulate General of Japan, Hong Kong, special assistant, 1979-80. Publications: The Great Cultural Revolution, 1989; Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, 1991; Deng Xiaoping, 1993; The People's Liberation Army, 1996. Address: Yokohama City University, 22-2 Seto Kanazawa-ward, Yokohama City 236, Japan.

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