Two Girls and a Guy

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Two Girls and a Guy ★★★ 1998 (R)

Graham and Wagner find out that Downey's been two-timing them and they confront him at his apartment. Only don't expect the usual revenge scenario. Yeah, it's talky, but the dialogue (much of it improvised) is great. Downey is at his best, playing an irresistibly charismatic actor backed into a (real and figurative) corner by his lifestyle while Graham and Wagner avoid the wronged-woman cliches. In one of the alltime male fantasies ever, Downey's character still gets to have sex with one of the women even after his lie has been exposed. The MPAA had a little problem with that, since that scene, like most of the rest of the movie, was shot in real time. The uncut NC-17 version is also available. 92m/C VHS, DVD . Robert Downey Jr., Heather Graham, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Angel David, Frederique van der Wal; D: James Toback; W: James Toback; C: Barry Markowitz.