Thomson, John A(idan) F(rancis)

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THOMSON, John A(idan) F(rancis)

THOMSON, John A(idan) F(rancis). Scottish, b. 1934. Genres: History. Career: University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, assistant lecturer, 1960- 61, lecturer, 1961-74, senior lecturer, 1974-83, reader in history, 1983-94, titular professor in medieval history, 1994-95, professor of medieval history, 1995-99, honorary professorial research fellow, 1999-. Publications: The Later Lollards, 1414-1520, 1965, 2nd ed, 1968; Popes and Princes, 1417- 1517, 1980; The Transformation of Medieval England, 1370-1529, 1983; (ed.) Towns and Townspeople in the Fifteenth Century, 1988; The Early Tudor Church and Society, 1485-1529, 1993; The Western Church in the Middle Ages, 1998. Address: Shernold, 15 Drumbeg Loan, Killearn, Stirling- shire G63 9LG, Scotland.

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Thomson, John A(idan) F(rancis)

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