Spanier, Sandra Whipple

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SPANIER, Sandra Whipple

SPANIER, Sandra Whipple. American, b. 1951. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: English teacher at public schools in State College, PA, 1973-81; State University of New York at Stony Brook, lecturer in engineering and applied sciences, 1982-86; Oregon State University, Corvallis, assistant professor, 1986-89, associate professor of English, 1989-92, fellow of Center for the Humanities, 1991-92; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, associate professor of English, 1992-95; Pennsylvania State University, associate professor, 1995-2003, professor of English, 2003-. Publications: Kay Boyle: Artist and Activist, 1986. EDITOR (and author of intro./afterword): K. Boyle, Life Being the Best and Other Stories, 1988; M. Gellhorn and V. Cowles, Love Goes to Press, 1995; P. Young, American Fiction, American Myth: Essays, 2000; K. Boyle, Process: A Novel, 2001. Contributor to professional journals. Address: Dept of English, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A.

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