Solares, Ignacio

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SOLARES, Ignacio

SOLARES, Ignacio. Mexican, b. 1945. Genres: Novels, Novels. Career: Editor for and contributor to periodicals, 1963-69; editor, Plural, 1969-71; Excésior (daily), Mexico City, Mexico, writer for and editor of cultural section Diorama de la Cultura, 1971-76; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, began as professor of literature, currently head of theater and dance department. Publications: FICTION: El hombre habitado (short stories; title means: The Inhabited Man), 1975; Puerta del cielo (novel; title means: Door of Heaven), 1976; Anónimo (novel; title means: The Anonymous Note), 1979; El árbol del deseo (novel; title means: The Wish Tree), 1980; La fórmula de la inmortalidad (novel; title means: The Formula of Immortality), 1982; Serafín (novel), 1985; Casas de encantimiento (title means: Houses of Enchantment), 1987; Madero, el otro (historical novel), 1989, trans. by A. Gonzalez as Madero's Judgment, 1999; El gran elector (historical novel), 1993, trans. by Gonzalez as The Great Mexican Electoral Game, 1999; Nen, la inútil, trans. as The Idle Dreamer, 1995; Muérete y sabrás: Cuentos (short stories), 1995; Los mártires; Serafín; El árbol de deseo (selected stories), 1997; Columbus (novel), 1996; Lost in the City: Tree of Desire and Serafín, trans. by C. and J. Brushwood, 1998. OTHER: El problema es otro (play; title means: This Is Not the Problem), 1978; Delirium tremens (essay), 1979, trans. by T. Compton as Delirium Tremens: Stories of Suffering and Transcendence, 2000; Desenlace (title means: Outcome), 1983; De cuerpo entero (memoir; title means: Of the Entire Body), 1990; La noche de ángeles (title means: Night of Angels), 1991; (ed.) G.A. Madero: epistolario (letters), 1991; El jefe máximo, 1991; Teatro histórico (title means: Historical Drama), 1996; El sitio, 1998. Address: Dept. de Teatro y Danza, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, DF, Mexico.