Smith, Elizabeth A(ngele) T(aft)

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SMITH, Elizabeth A(ngele) T(aft)

SMITH, Elizabeth A(ngele) T(aft). American, b. 1958. Genres: Architecture, Art/Art history. Career: Sylvia Leonard Wolf, Inc. (appraisal firm), New York City, fine arts specialist and associate, 1977-82; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, assistant curator, 1983-87, associate curator, 1987-90, curator, 1990-; University of Southern California, School of Fine Arts, adjunct professor, 1992-. Publications: Blueprints for Modern Living: History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses, 1989; Rebecca Horn: Diving through Buster's Bedroom, 1990; "Machined Dreams: Rebecca Horn's Diving through Buster's Bedroom" (essay); "Eloquent Abstraction" (essay), 1991; Urban Revisions: Current Projects for the Public Realms, 1994; Uta Barth, 1995; Paradise Cage: Kiki Smith and Coop Himmelblau, 1996. Address: Museum of Contemporary Art, 250 South Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012, U.S.A.

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Smith, Elizabeth A(ngele) T(aft)

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