The Scarlet Pimpernel 1934

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The Scarlet Pimpernel ★★★½ 1934

Sir Percy Blakeney (Howard) is a supposed dandy of the English court who assumes the identity of “The Scarlet Pimpernel” in order to outwit the French Republicans and aid innocent aristocrats during the French Revolution. The frustrated French send sinister ambassador Chauvelin (Massey) to discover the rogue's identity and involve Blakeney's French wife, Marguerite (Oberon) in their plot. Classic rendering of Baroness Orczy's novel, full of exploits, 18th century costumes, intrigue, damsels, etc. Produced by Alexander Korda, who fired the initial director, Rowland Brown. Remade twice for TV. 95m/B VHS, DVD . GB Leslie Howard, Joan Gardner, Merle Oberon, Raymond Massey, Anthony Bushell, Nigel Bruce, Bramwell Fletcher, Walter Rilla, O.B. Clarence, Ernest Milton, Edmund Breon, Melville Cooper, Gibb McLaughlin, Morland Graham, Allan Jeayes; D: Harold Young; W: Robert Sherwood, Arthur Wimperis, Lajos Biro; C: Harold Rosson; M: Arthur Benjamin.