Return of the Secaucus7

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Return of the Secaucus7 ★★★½ 1980

Centers around a weekend reunion of seven friends who were activists during the Vietnam War in the turbulent '60s. Now turning 30, they evaluate their present lives and progress. Writer and director Sayles plays Howie in this excellent example of what a low-budget film can and should be. A less trendy predecessor of “The Big Chill” (1983) which, perhaps, was a few years ahead of its time. 110m/C VHS, DVD . Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp, Maggie Cousineau-Arndt, David Strathairn, Adam LeFevre, Bruce MacDonald, Maggie Renzi, Jean Passanante, Karen Trott, John Sayles; D: John Sayles; W: John Sayles; C: Austin De Besche; M: Mason Daring. L.A. Film Critics '80: Screenplay, Natl. Film Reg. '97.

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Return of the Secaucus7

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