Perdrizet, Marie-Pierre

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PERDRIZET, Marie-Pierre

PERDRIZET, Marie-Pierre. French, b. 1952. Genres: Young adult nonfiction. Career: Author of nonfiction books for young people; translator and adaptor of works in English and French; storyteller. Lycee Francais de San Salvador, El Salvador, elementary school teacher, 1974-75; elementary schoolteacher, Paris, 1995-. Publications: IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: JUVENILE: Les Hommes de la prehistoire, 1982, trans. as Ask about Prehistoric Life, 1987; Les Batisseurs de cathedrales, 1990, trans. as The Cathedral Builders, 1992. IN FRENCH: (with C. Cohen and L. Pelpel) La formation architecturale au dix-huitieme siecle en France: Rapport de recherche (title means: Architectural Development in the Eighteenth Century in France: Report on Research), 1977; (coauthor) A la Decouverte de l'histoire (title means: On the Discovery of History), 1982; (coauthor) A la Decouverte de la terre (title means: On the Discovery of the Earth), 1983; Marie Curie, 1983; Le Moyen Age au temps des chevaliers et des chateaux forts (title means: The Middle Ages, a Time of Knights and Castles), 1985; Les hommes d'autrefois (title means: The Men of the Past), 1987; Les chateaux forts (title means: Castles), 1987; (coauthor) 1000 Reponses (title means: 1000 Answers), 1988; Le temps des Celtes, des Romains, des Germains (title means: The Time of the Celts, the Romans, and the Germans), 1989; (coauthor) Memo Junior, 1990; (coauthor) Memo Benjamin, 1991; Le petit citoyen (title means: Little Citizen), 1994. Address: 106 rue de la Fraternite, 93170 Bagnolet, France.

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