My Son the Fanatic

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My Son the Fanatic ★★★ 1997 (R)

Pakistani immigrant Parvez (Puri) has been driving a cab in Bradford, England and trying to fit in his new country for 25 years. He ekes out a living driving prostitutes around town, which leads to a relationship with hooker Bettina (Griffiths). His working-class life is disrupted when Parvez realizes his son, Farid (Kurtha) is exploring his cultural roots by turning to Islamic fundamentalism. Moral and religious tensions lead to a climactic conflict between father and son. 86m/C VHS, DVD . GB Om Puri, Rachel Griffiths, Stellan Skarsgard, Akbar Kurtha; D: Udayan Prasad; W: Hanif Kureishi; C: Alan Almond; M: Stephen Warbeck.