Mandela and de Klerk

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Mandela and de Klerk ★★½1997 (PG)

Docudrama about the two men who changed South Africa. White Afrikaaner president F.W. de Klerk (Caine) declared an end to apartheid in 1992 and two years later was succeeded as the country's president by Nelson Mandela (Poitier), a black activist imprisioned on treason charges for 27 years before his release. Both men shared the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to unite South Africa. 114m/C VHS, DVD . Sidney Poitier, Michael Caine, Tina Lifford, Ian Roberts, Gerry Maritz, Jerry Mofokeng; D: Joseph Sargent; W: Richard Wesley; C: Tobias Schliessler; M: Cedric Gradus-Samson. CABLE