Kiely, Robert (James)

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KIELY, Robert (James)

KIELY, Robert (James). American, b. 1931. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, instructor, 1962, assistant professor, 1964-66, associate professor, 1966-68, professor of English, 1968-, associate dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1972-75, master of Adams House, 1973-99, Loker Professor of English, 1985-, chairman, English Dept., 1987-90, Harvard College Professor, 2001-. Visiting professor at universities worldwide; member of boards. Publications: Robert Louis Stevenson and the Fiction of Adventure, 1964; The Romantic Novel in England, 1972; Beyond Egotism: The Fiction of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and D.H. Lawrence, 1980; Modernism Reconsidered, 1983; Reverse Tradition: Postmodern Fictions and the Nineteenth Century Novel, 1993; Still Learning, 2000. EDITOR: Man and Nature, 1966; The Good Heart, 1996. Address: 76 Rice St, Cambridge, MA 02140, U.S.A.