Kaufman, Menahem

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KAUFMAN, Menahem

KAUFMAN, Menahem. Israeli (born Germany), b. 1921. Genres: Area studies, History, Politics/Government. Career: Worked as a farmer in a kibbutz, Givat Zaid, Israel, 1940-50; Israel Defense Force, lieutenant colonel, 1952-69; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Jerusalem, Israel, administrative director, 1969-88, Senior Scholar, America-Holy Land Project, 1987-. Publications: America-Jerusalem Policy, 1947-1948, 1982; Non-Zionists in America and the Struggle for Jewish Statehood (in Hebrew), 1984; An Ambiguous Partnership: Zionists and Non-Zionists in America, 1939-45, 1991; Die hessischen Landjuden, 1933-45, 1991; The Magnes-Philby Negotiations, the Historical Record, 1998. EDITOR: (with M. Levine) Guide to America-Holy Land Studies, 1620-1948, Vol. 4: Resource Material in British, Israeli & Turkish Repositories, 1984; America and the Holy Land, the Foundation of a Special Relationship (in Hebrew), 1996. Address: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, 91905 Jerusalem, Israel.

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