Harris, Deborah Turner

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HARRIS, Deborah Turner

HARRIS, Deborah Turner. American, b. 1951. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: Teacher of English literature and composition, 1974-83; part-time writer, 1983-87; full-time writer, 1987-. Publications: The Burning Stone, 1986; Gauntlet of Malice, 1987; Spiral of Fire, 1989; (with K. Kurtz) The Adept, 1991; (with K. Kurtz) The Lodge of the Lynx, 1992; (with K. Kurtz) The Templar Treasure, 1993; Caledon of the Mists, 1994; Queen of Ashes, 1995; Dagger Magic, 1995; Death of an Adept, 1996; City of Exile, 1997; (with K. Kurtz) The Temple and the Stone, 1998; (with K. Kurtz) The Temple and the Crown, 2000. Address: c/o Virginia Kidd Agency, 538 E Harford St, PO Box 278, Milford, PA 18337, U.S.A. Online address: www.harrisauthors.com