The American Soldier

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The American Soldier ★★½ Der Amerikanische Soldat 1970

Fassbinder's homage to the American gangster film tells the story of Ricky, a charismatic hit man. Ricky always wears a gun in a shoulder holster, sports a fedora and a white double-breasted suit, and drinks Scotch straight from the bottle. He also carries out his assigned murders with complete efficiency and no emotion. In German with English subtitles. 80m/C VHS, DVD . GE Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Karl Scheydt, Elga Sorbas, Jan George, Ingrid Caven, Ulli Lommel, Kurt Raab; D: Rainer Werner Fassbinder; W: Rainer Werner Fassbinder; C: Dietrich Lohmann; M: Peer Raben.

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The American Soldier

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