Aiken, Joan (Delano)

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AIKEN, Joan (Delano)

AIKEN, Joan (Delano). British, b. 1924. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Romance/Historical, Children's fiction, Plays/Screenplays, Poetry, Writing/Journalism, Translations. Career: Worked for the BBC, 1942-43; UN Information Centre, London, librarian, 1943-49; Argosy mag., London, sub-ed. and features ed., 1955-60; J. Walter Thompson, London, copywriter, 1960-61. Publications: All You've Ever Wanted and Other Stories, 1953; More Than You Bargained for and Other Stories, 1955; The Kingdom and the Cave, 1960; The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, 1962; Black Hearts in Battersea, 1964; The Silence of Herondale (romance), 1964; The Fortune Hunters (romance), 1965; Nightbirds on Nantucket, 1966; Trouble with Product X (romance; in US as Beware of the Bouquet), 1966; Hate Begins at Home (romance; in US as Dark Interval), 1967; The Ribs of Death (romance), 1967 (in US as The Crystal Crow), 1968; The Whispering Mountain, 1968; Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories, 1968; Armitage, Armitage, Fly Away Home, 1968; A Small Pinch of Weather and Other Stories, 1969; Night Fall, 1969; The Windscreen Weepers and Other Tales of Horror and Suspense (for adults), 1969; Smoke from Cromwell's Time and Other Stories, 1970; The Embroidered Sunset (romance), 1970; The Green Flash and Other Tales of Horror, Suspense, and Fantasy, 1971; All and More, 1971; The Cuckoo Tree, 1971; The Kingdom under the Sea and Other Stories, 1971; A Harp of Fishbones and Other Stories, 1972; Arabel's Raven, 1972; Died on a Rainy Sunday (romance), 1972; The Butterfly Picnic (romance; in US as A Cluster of Separate Sparks), 1972; The Escaped Black Mamba, 1973; Winterthing, and the Mooncusser's Daughter (plays), 1973 (in US as Winter- thing, 1972; The Mooncusser's Daughter, 1974); All But a Few, 1974; The Bread Bin, 1974; Midnight Is a Place, 1974; Not What You Expected (short stories), 1974; Voices in an Empty House (romance), 1975; Castle Barebane (romance), 1976; Mortimer's Tie, 1976; A Bundle of Nerves, 1976; The Skin Spinners (poetry), 1976; (trans.) Contessa de Saegur, The Angel Inn, 1976; The Faithless Lollybird and Other Stories, 1977; The Far Forests, 1977; Go Saddle the Sea, 1977; Last Movement (romance), 1977; The Five-Minute Marriage, 1977; The Smile of the Stranger (romance), 1978; Tale of a One- Way Street and Other Stories, 1978; Mice and Mendelson, 1978; Street (play), 1978; Mortimer and the Sword Excalibur, 1979; The Spiral Stair, 1979; A Touch of Chill (stories), 1979; Arabel and Mortimer, 1980; The Shadow Guests, 1980; Mortimer's Portrait on Glass, 1980; Mr. Jones's Disappearing Taxi, 1980; The Stolen Lake, 1981; A Whisper in the Night, 1982; The Lightning Tree (romance; in US as The Weeping Ash), 1980; The Young Lady from Paris (romance; in US as The Girl from Paris), 1982; The Way to Write for Children (for adults), 1982; Foul Matter, 1983; Mortimer's Cross, 1983; The Kitchen Warriors, 1984; Up the Chimney Down, 1984; Fog Hounds, Wind Cat, Sea Mice, 1984; Mansfield Revisited, 1984; Dido and Pa, 1986; Past Eight O'Clock, 1986; Deception, 1987; A Goose on Your Grave, 1987; Voices, 1988; Give Yourself a Fright, 1989; A Fit of Shivers, 1990; Jane Fairfax, 1990; The Haunting of Lamb House 1991; Morningquest, 1992; Mortimer and Arabel, 1992; Is, 1992; Hatching Trouble, 1993; The Midnight Moropus, 1993; Dead Man's Lane, 1993; Eliza's Daughter, 1994; The Winter Sleepwalker, 1994; Cold Shoulder Road, 1995; A Handful of Gold, 1995; Emma Watson, 1996; The Cockatrice Boys, 1997; The Jewel Seed, 1997; Bridle the Wind, 1997; In the Teeth of the Gale, 1997; Moon Cake, 1998; The Youngest Miss Ward, 1998; Dangerous Games, 1999; In Thunder's Pocket, 2001; The Scream, 2001; The Song of Mat and Ben, 2001; Bone and Dream, 2002; Ghostly Beasts, 2002; Midwinter Nightingale, 2003; The Witch of Clatteringshaws, 2005. Died 2004.