
views updated May 23 2018

spa·ghet·ti / spəˈgetē/ • n. pasta made in long, slender, solid strings. ∎  an Italian dish consisting largely of this, typically with a sauce. ∎ fig. a tangle of stringlike objects, resembling a plate of cooked spaghetti: a clumsy spaghetti of coils and wires. ∎  Electr. a type of narrow tubing that encases and insulates wire.ORIGIN: Italian, plural of the diminutive of spago ‘string.’


views updated Jun 11 2018

spaghetti spaghetti junction a complex multi-level road junction, especially one on a motorway, and originally applied to a major interchange on the M6 near Birmingham in the UK.
spaghetti western informal term for a western film made cheaply in Europe by an Italian director.


views updated May 21 2018

spaghetti See pasta.


views updated May 23 2018

spaghetti XIX It. pl of dim of spago string. of unkn orig