
views updated Jun 27 2018

mar·row / ˈmarō/ • n. 1. (also bone marrow) a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced (often taken as typifying strength and vitality).2. (also vegetable marrow) Brit. a white-fleshed green-skinned gourd, which is eaten as a vegetable.PHRASES: to the marrow to one's innermost being: a sight which chilled me to the marrow.DERIVATIVES: mar·row·less adj.mar·row·y adj.


views updated May 23 2018

marrow Soft tissue containing blood vessels, found in the hollow cavities of bone. The marrow found in many adult bones is yellowish and functions as a store of fat. The marrow in the flattish bones is reddish and contains cells that give rise to erythrocytes (red blood cells) as well as to most of the leucocytes (white blood cells), but not lymphocytes and platelets.


views updated Jun 27 2018

1. Varieties of the gourd Cucurbita pepo. Grouped with courgettes, squashes, and pumpkins; 95% water. A 100‐g portion provides 1 g of dietary fibre, with only traces of nutrients and only 9 kcal (36 kJ). Courgettes and zucchini are varieties that have been developed for cutting when small.

2. Bone marrow is the content of bone cavities which are the site of formation of red blood cells.


views updated May 14 2018

marrow soft substance in the cavity of bones OE.; central or vital part XV; (vegetable) m., fruit of Cucurbita pepo XIX. OE. mærh, mærg (WS. mearh, mearg), corr. to OS. marg (Du. merg), OHG. mar(a)g (G. mark), ON. mergr :- Gmc. *mazgam, -az.


views updated May 21 2018

marrow (ma-roh) n. see bone marrow.

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