
views updated May 08 2018


HUNKERS, the name applied to the conservative faction of New York's Democratic Party in the 1840s. The Hunkers favored spending state surpluses on canals, making internal improvements, and liberally chartering state banks. They supported James K. Polk for president, and they deprecated antislavery agitation. Patronage disputes promoted discord with the progressive element of the party, known as the Barnburners. The Barnburners withdrew from the state Democratic convention in 1847 and the national convention in 1848. A coalition formed in 1850 failed to elect Horatio Seymour governor. By 1853 the terms "Hards" and "Softs" were being used to replace the labels "Hunkers" and "Barnburners."


Benson, Lee. The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a Test Case. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1961.

Donovan, Herbert D. A. The Barnburners: A Study of the Internal Movements in the Political History of New York State and of the Resulting Changes in Political Affiliation, 1830–1852. New York: New York University Press, 1925.

Philip G.Auchampaugh/a. g.

See alsoBarnburners .