
views updated Jun 11 2018

au·di·ence / ˈôdēəns/ • n. 1. the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting: the orchestra was given an ovation from the audience. ∎  the people who watch or listen to a television or radio program: the program attracted an audience of almost twenty million. ∎  the readership of a book, magazine, or newspaper: the newspaper has a sophisticated audience. ∎  the people giving or likely to give attention to something: there will always be an audience for romantic literature.2. a formal interview with a person in authority: he demanded an audience with the pope.3. archaic formal hearing.


views updated Jun 11 2018


a group or assembly of listeners, viewers, or spectators; a formal interview with a person of importance, hence, those present at such an interview.

Examples: an audience with the pope; an audience of readers; of secular men, 1407.