
views updated Jun 08 2018

done / dən/ • past participle of do1 .• v. inf. used as a nonstandard past tense of do1 : I done a lot of rodeoin'. ∎ inf. used with a standard past tense verb to indicate absoluteness or completion: I done told you to zipper your lips.• adj. 1. carried out, completed, or treated in a particular way: the path needed replacing and she wanted it done in asphalt. ∎  (of food) cooked thoroughly: the turkey will be done soon. ∎  no longer happening or existing: her hunting days were done.2. inf. socially acceptable: therapy was not the done thing then.• interj. used to indicate that the speaker accepts the terms of an offer: “I'll give ten to one he misses by a mile!” called Reilly. “Done,” said the conductor.PHRASES: a done deal a plan or project that has been finalized.done for inf. in a situation so bad that it is impossible to get out: if he gets them, we'll all be done for.done in inf. extremely tired: you look done in.over and done with see over.


views updated May 11 2018

done pp. of DO 1.

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