
views updated May 14 2018

dis·cred·it / disˈkredit/ • v. (-cred·it·ed, -cred·it·ing) [tr.] harm the good reputation of (someone or something): his remarks were taken out of context in an effort to discredit him | [as adj.] (discredited) a discredited former governor. ∎  cause (an idea or piece of evidence) to seem false or unreliable: recent attempts to discredit evolution.• n. loss or lack of reputation or respect: they committed crimes that brought discredit upon the administration. ∎  a person or thing that is a source of disgrace: the ships were a discredit to the country.


views updated May 23 2018

discredit sb. disrepute XVI; distrust XVII; vb. disbelieve; destroy confidence in; bring into discredit XVI. DIS- 6, 3.