
views updated Jun 11 2018

clean·er / ˈklēnər/ • n. a person or thing that cleans something, in particular: ∎  a person employed to clean the interior of a building. ∎  (the cleaners) a place of business where clothes and fabrics are dry-cleaned: my suit's at the cleaners. ∎  a device for cleaning, such as a vacuum cleaner. ∎  a chemical substance used for cleaning: an oven cleaner.PHRASES: take someone to the cleaners inf. take all someone's money or possessions in a dishonest or unfair way.


views updated May 29 2018

Cleaner ★★ 2007 (R)

Disappointingly lackluster thriller. Former New Jersey cop Tom Carver (Jackson) now makes his living cleaning up crime scenes. But Tom is shocked to discover that his recent cleanup of a shooting has erased evidence, which points to a coverup and maybe Tom becoming the fall guy for murder. 91m/C DVD . Samuel L. Jackson, Ed Harris, Robert Forster, Luis Guzman, Marc Macaulay, Eva Mendes, Keke Palmer, Jose Pablo Cantillo, Maggie Lawson; D: Renny Harlin; W: Matthew Aldrich; C: Scott Kevan; M: Richard Gibbs. VIDEO