
views updated May 14 2018

bos·om / ˈboŏzəm/ • n. a woman's chest: the dress offered a fair display of bosom. ∎  (usu. bosoms) a woman's breast. ∎  a part of a woman's dress covering the chest. ∎  the space between a person's clothing and chest used for carrying things: he carried a letter in his bosom. ∎  (the bosom of) poetic/lit. the loving care and protection of: Bruno went home each night to the bosom of his family. ∎  used to refer to the chest as the seat of emotions: quivering dread was settling in her bosom.• adj. (of a friend) close or intimate: the two girls had become bosom friends.DERIVATIVES: bos·omed adj. [in comb.] her small-bosomed physique.


views updated May 18 2018

bosom OE. bōsm = OS. bōsom, OHG. buosam (G. busen) :- WGmc. *bōsm-, of uncert. orig.