
views updated May 11 2018

Sa·bine / ˈsāˌbīn; -ˌbin/ • adj. of, relating to, or denoting an ancient Oscan-speaking people of the central Apennines in Italy, northeast of Rome, who feature in early Roman legends and were incorporated into the Roman state in 290 bc.• n. a member of this people.


views updated May 18 2018

Sabine of, relating to, or denoting an ancient Oscan-speaking people of the central Apennines in Italy, north-east of Rome, who feature in early Roman legends and were incorporated into the Roman state in 290 bc. The Sabines were renowned in antiquity for their frugal and hardy character and their superstitious practices.

The (unhistorical) legend of the Rape of the Sabine Women reflects the early intermingling of Romans and Sabines; some Roman religious institutions were said to have a Sabine origin.

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