
views updated Jun 08 2018

pres·to / ˈprestō/ • adv. & adj. Mus. (esp. as a direction) in a quick tempo.• n. (pl. -tos) Mus. a movement or passage marked to be performed in a quick tempo.• interj. a phrase announcing the successful completion of a trick, or suggesting that something has been done so easily that it seems to be magic: just one quick squeeze and presto! A stir fry in seconds.


views updated May 18 2018

presto (conjurer's word) quickly, at once. XVI. — It., adv. use of adj.:- Rom., late L. præstus ready, quick, for earlier præstō at hand. As a musical direction presto is an independent adoption (XVII).


views updated Jun 08 2018

presto (It.). Quick. prestezza, quickness; prestamente, quickly; prestissimo, very quick; prestissimamente, very quickly.


views updated May 18 2018

PRESTO (ˈprɛstəʊ) (USA) program reporting and evaluation system for total operation

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