
views updated May 21 2018

nu·ance / ˈn(y)oōˌäns/ • n. a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound: the nuances of facial expression and body language.• v. [tr.] (usu. be nuanced) give nuances to: the effect of the music is nuanced by the social situation of listeners.ORIGIN: late 18th cent.: from French, ‘shade, subtlety,’ from nuer ‘to shade,’ based on Latin nubes ‘cloud.’


views updated May 14 2018

nuance shade of feeling, meaning, etc. XVIII; shade of colour XIX. — F. f. nuer show variations of shades of colour like clouds, f. nue cloud :- popL. *nūba, L. nūbēs; see -ANCE.


views updated May 21 2018

nuance (Fr.). Shade, distinction, gradation. A word frequently used by writers on mus. to imply those delicate differences of intensity and speed which largely constitute the character of a perf.