
views updated Jun 11 2018

mar·gin / ˈmärjən/ • n. 1. the edge or border of something: the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean | fig. they were forced to live on the margins of society. ∎  the blank border on each side of the print on a page. ∎  a line ruled on paper to mark off a margin.2. an amount by which a thing is won or falls short: they won by a convincing 17-point margin. ∎  an amount of something included so as to be sure of success or safety: there was no margin for error. ∎  the lower limit of possibility, success, etc.: the lighting is considerably brighter than before but is still at the margins of acceptability. ∎  a profit margin. ∎  Finance a sum deposited with a broker to cover the risk of loss on a transaction or account.• v. (-gined, -gin·ing) [tr.] 1. provide with an edge or border: its leaves are margined with yellow. ∎ archaic annotate or summarize (a text) in the margins.2. deposit an amount of money with a broker as security for (an account or transaction): [as adj.] (margined) a margined transaction. PHRASES: margin of error an amount (usually small) that is allowed for in case of miscalculation or change of circumstances.DERIVATIVES: mar·gined adj. [in comb.] a wide-margined volume.


views updated May 21 2018


The edge or border; the edge of a body of water where it meets the land. As applied to a boundary line of land, the margin of a river, creek, or other watercourse means the center of the stream. But in the case of a lake, bay, or natural pond, the margin means the line where land and water meet.

In finance, the difference between market value of loan collateral and face value of loan.

A sum of money, or its equivalent, placed in the hands of abrokerby the principal or person on whose account a purchase or sale ofsecuritiesis to be made, as a security to the former against losses to which he or she may be exposed by subsequent fluctuations in the market value of the stock. The amount paid by the customer when he uses a broker's credit to buy a security.

In commercial transactions the difference between the purchase price paid by an intermediary or retailer and the selling price, or difference between price received by manufacturer for its goods and costs to produce. Also called gross profit margin.


views updated May 11 2018

margin XIV. — L. margō, margin-, rel. to MARK1.
So marginal XVI. — medL. marginalia XIX. — n. pl. of medL. marginālis.