
views updated Jun 11 2018

itch / ich/ • n. [usu. in sing.] an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch. ∎ inf. a restless or strong desire: the itch to write fiction. ∎  a skin disease or condition of which itching is a symptom. ∎  (the itch) inf. scabies.• v. [intr.] be the site of or cause an itch: the bite itched like crazy. ∎  (of a person) experience an itch. ∎ inf. feel a restless or strong desire to do something: your hands itch to take the wheel. PHRASES: an itchy (or itching) palm fig. an avaricious nature.ORIGIN: Old English gycce (noun), gyccan (verb); related to Dutch jeuk (noun) and Dutch jeuken, German jucken (verb).


views updated May 23 2018

itch feel irritation of the skin OE.; have a restless desire XIII. OE ġịċċan, ġyċċan, corr. to OS. jukkian, (M)Du. jeuken, OHG. jucchen (G. jucken), f. Gmc. *juk- (whence also OHG. jucchido, MLG. jeucte, OE. gycða itch).
So sb. OE. ġyċċe.


views updated May 14 2018

itch (ich) n. discomfort or irritation of the skin, prompting the sufferer to scratch or rub the affected area. See pruritus.