University of Guam: Narrative Description
UOG Station
Mangilao, GU 96923
Tel: (671)735-2350
Admissions: (671)735-2207
Fax: (671)734-6005
E-mail: [email protected]
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Territory-supported, comprehensive, coed. Awards bachelor's and master's degrees. Founded 1952. Setting: 100-acre rural campus. Research spending 2003-04: $6 million. Total enrollment: 2,923. Faculty: 254 (176 full-time, 78 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 11:1. 643 applied, 100% were admitted. Full-time: 1,899 students, 62% women, 38% men. Part-time: 799 students, 60% women, 40% men. Students come from 52 states and territories, 30 other countries, 0.2% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 1% black, 91% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 1% international, 31% 25 or older. Retention: 63% of full-time freshmen returned the following year. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, ESL program, accelerated degree program, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, adult/continuing education programs, graduate courses open to undergrads. ROTC: Army.
Entrance Requirements:
Open admission. Options: Common Application, early admission, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: 7/8. Notification: continuous.
Costs Per Year:
Application fee: $49. Territory resident tuition: $3634 full-time, $118 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $10,810 full-time, $351 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $450 full-time, $112 per term part-time. College room and board: $6918. College room only: $1555.
Collegiate Environment:
Student-run newspaper, radio station. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, controlled dormitory access. 182 college housing spaces available; 124 were occupied in 2003-04. Option: coed housing available. 327,925 books and 3,060 serials. 150 computers available on campus for general student use. Staffed computer lab on campus.
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University of Guam: Narrative Description
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