Luzerne County Community College: Narrative Description

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1333 South Prospect St.
Nanticoke, PA 18634-9804
Tel: (570)740-0300; Admissions: (570)740-0342; Web Site:

Description: County-supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, diplomas, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1966. Setting: 122-acre suburban campus with easy access to Philadelphia. Research spending 2002-03: $91,428. Educational spending 2002-03: $5350 per student. Total enrollment: 6,170. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 19:1. 2,337 applied, 67% were admitted. Full-time: 2,940 students, 51% women, 49% men. Part-time: 3,230 students, 65% women, 35% men. Students come from 2 states and territories, 1 other country, 0% from out-of-state, 0.1% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 2% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.1% international, 43% 25 or older, 6% transferred in. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, accelerated degree program, distance learning, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, external degree program, internships. ROTC: Air Force (c).

Entrance Requirements: Open admission except for health sciences programs. Options: early admission, deferred admission. Recommended: high school transcript. Placement: ACCUPLACER recommended. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $40. Area resident tuition: $2100 full-time, $70 per credit part-time. State resident tuition: $4200 full-time, $140 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $6300 full-time, $210 per credit part-time. Mandatory fees: $270 full-time, $9 per credit part-time.

Collegiate Environment: Orientation program. Student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 25 open to all. Most popular organizations: student government, Circle K, Nursing Forum, Science Club, SADAH. Major annual events: Alumni Career Fair, College Night, Craft Festival. Campus security: 24-hour patrols. College housing not available. Learning Resources Center plus 1 other with 60,000 books, 35,500 microform titles, 744 serials, 3,000 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending 2002-03: $62,500. 150 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

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