Dwarfs and Elves

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Dwarfs and Elves



Alternate Names

Ljosalfar, Dokkalfar (Norse), Cagn-Cagn (South African), Awakkule, Wanagemeswak, Djogeon (American Indian)

Appears In

Various myths around the world

Character Overview

In myths and tales, dwarfs and elves are small humanlike creatures, often endowed with magical powers. Dwarfs generally look like old men with long beards and are sometimes ugly or misshapen. Elves, known for their mischievous pranks, tend to be smaller in stature than dwarves. Though usually associated with Scandinavian mythology, dwarfs and elves appear in the myths of many cultures, along with similar creatures such as fairies, gnomes, pixies, and leprechauns .

In Norse mythology , dwarfs and elves are usually male and often live in forests, in mountains, or in out-of-the-way places. There are two kinds of elves: the Dokkalfar (pronounced DOH-kahl-fahr), or dark elves, and the Ljosalfar (pronounced YOHL-sah-fahr), or light elves. The Dokkalfar dwell in caves or dark woods. The Ljosalfar live in bright places or in the sky.

Dwarfs and elves of the mountains are highly skilled metalworkers and artisans who have supernatural powers and make special gifts for the gods, such as a magic spear for Odin , the king of the gods; a ship for Freyja (pronounced FRAY-uh), the goddess of love and beauty; and a hammer for Thor , the god of thunder. But dwarfs and elves of the mines, who keep guard over underground stores of gold and precious stones, are unpredictable and spiteful. This association of dwarfs and elves with mining and precious metals exists in many legends and fairy tales.

In Germanic mythology, elves are tiny creatures who can bring disease to people and to cattle or can cause nightmares by sitting on a sleeper's chest. They also steal newborn babies and replace them with deformed elf children, called “changelings.” In Central American myths, dwarfs are associated with caves, forests, and fertility. In one story, a Red Dwarf uses his ax to cause sparks that a fortune-teller interprets. The Bushpeople of South Africa tell of the Cagn-Cagn, dwarfs who killed the god Cagn with the help of ants and later restored him to life.

In North America, dwarf people appear in various Native American myths. For instance, the Awakkule are strong mountain dwarfs who act as helpful spirits in Crow mythology. The Wanagemeswak are thin, river-dwelling dwarfs in the mythology of the Penobscot Indians. The Senecas have legends about the Djogeon, litde people who live in caves, in deep ditches, or along streams. The Djogeon warn humans about dangers and sometimes bring good fortune.

Dwarfs and Elves in Context

Dwarfs are sometimes represented as helpful creatures or wise advisors. More commonly, though, they are unpleasant, stubborn, and distrustful with an air of mystery about them. They may act in deceitful ways, or they may be openly hostile. In some stories, dwarfs steal food or carry off children and beautiful maidens.

Elves take on a variety of forms. Different cultures have identified elves as nature spirits, minor gods, imaginary beings, dream creatures, and souls of the dead. Like dwarfs, elves have both positive and negative images. In the legend of Santa Claus, they work hard in Santa's toy shop. In other stories, they are mischievous beings who play pranks on humans and animals, such as leading travelers astray.

The mythology surrounding elves and dwarfs likely has multiple roots. The earliest cultures tended to be pantheistic, believing in many gods, and people often believed that individual spirits inhabited specific ponds, trees, hills, and other natural features. These nature spirits probably evolved into the elves of later folklore. The pounding, rumbling, and shaking exhibited by volcanic mountains have often been associated with “miner” gods living beneath the ground, and this likely gave rise to legends of the dwarfs.

Key Themes and Symbols

Regardless of the culture in which they are found, dwarfs and elves are almost always linked to nature in some way. Dwarfs are often associated with the earth, as in Norse mythology, where they are believed to live deep in the ground. Likewise, elves are often associated with trees, forests, and rivers. This connection with nature is often magical, as with the dwarfs who create many of the powerful enchanted weapons and gadgets used by Norse gods. One theme common to all myths about elves and dwarfs is the idea of a parallel, mostly hidden race of creatures that exists alongside humans, sometimes providing benefits and sometimes causing great harm. They are often organized in groups similar to humans; in Norse mythology, for example, dwarfs are craftsmen that toil away in mines and at blacksmith fires. They may even represent exaggerated versions of human artisans common in Norse society.

Dwarfs and Elves in Art, Literature, and Everyday Life

Dwarfs and elves have become common fixtures in modern fantasy art, literature, and film. Although both were common in European folktales prior to the mid-twentieth century, it was the publication of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy that earned these mythical races a permanent place in popular culture. Tolkien included several elf and dwarf characters in his books, most notably the elf Legolas and the dwarf Gimli. In the decades after Tolkien's trilogy was published, elves and dwarfs became standard in many works of fantasy. In addition to books, dwarfs and elves are also common in role-playing games and fantasy films—again, most influentially, in games and movies based on Tolkien's books. The 1937 Walt Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is also a popular story featuring dwarfs.

Elves have also remained a common part of the mythology of Santa Claus and Christmas. These elves, much different from those found in Tolkien and most works of fantasy, are found in most modern versions of the Santa Claus myth. They commonly appear in holiday films, such as the 2003 film Elf starring Will Ferrell and the Santa Clause series starring Tim Allen.

Read, Write, Think, Discuss

Dwarfism is a genetic disorder that results in a full-grown adult size of less than about 4 feet 10 inches in height. Dwarfism can lead to numerous health problems as well as negative treatment by others, some of whom might view those with dwarfism as “freaks.” Do you think modern mainstream depictions of mythical dwarfs—such as Gimli in the Lord of the Rings books and films—help or hurt the public image of those with dwarfism? Explain your answer and include reasons to support your position.

SEE ALSO Leprechauns; Norse Mythology