Guzmán, Martín Luis

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Martín Luis Guzmán (märtēn´ lōōēs´ gōōsmän´), 1887–1977, Mexican novelist and journalist. Guzmán worked as a journalist during the Mexican revolution, in which he joined the forces of Pancho Villa. He recorded his impressions of the war years in The Eagle and the Serpent (1928, tr. 1930) and depicted the political intrigue of the 1920s in La sombra del caudillo (1929). Guzmán's Muertes históricas (1958) contains studies of Porfirio Díaz and Venustiano Carranza.

See also his monumental edition of Pancho Villa's memoirs (5 vol., 1938–51; tr. 1965), his collected works in Spanish (1961–63), and study by L. M. Grimes (1969).