
Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Francia, José Gaspar Rodríguez

José Gaspar Rodríguez Francia (hōsā´ gäspär´ rōŧħrē´gās frän´syä), 1766–1840, dictator of Paraguay and creator of its national independence, known as El Supremo. Incorruptible and of superior cultural attainments for his epoch, he took part in the bloodless revolution against Spain (1811), was first consul, declared himself dictator in 1814, and ruled until his death. He limited the power of the church and kept the aristocracy in subjection. He was harsh with his enemies and intransigent with foreigners. Cutting off Paraguay from the rest of the world and limiting trade to his personal supervision, he gained international ill will but effectively stimulated the growth of local industry and agriculture.

See contemporary study by J. R. Rengger and M. F. X. Longchamp (tr. 1827, repr. 1971); J. P. and W. P. R. Robertson, Letters from Paraguay (3 vol., 1839, repr. 1970).


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Rodríguez Francia, José Gaspar

José Gaspar Rodríguez Francia: see Francia, José Gaspar Rodríguez.
