Belkin, Boris

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Belkin, Boris

Belkin, Boris, Russian-born Israeli, later Belgian violinist; b. Sverdlovsk, Jan. 26, 1948. He began violin lessons at age six and made his debut at seven. After training at Moscow’s Central Music School, he completed his studies with Yankelevich and Andrievsky at the Moscow Cons.; he concurrently played throughout the Soviet Union. In 1972 he won first prize in the Soviet National Competition for violinists. In 1974 he emigrated to Israel and became a naturalized citizen. In 1975 he made his North American debut as soloist with the Montreal Sym. Orch. On April 22, 1975, he made his U.S. debut as soloist in the Tchaikovsky Concerto with the N.Y. Phil. He subsequently appeared with principal North American and European orchs. In later years, he made his home in Belgium, becoming a naturalized citizen of that country. He was particularly successful as an interpreter of 19th and 20th century violin master-works.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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