Kean, Ellen (1805–1880)

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Kean, Ellen (1805–1880)

English actress. Name variations: Ellen Tree; Mrs. Kean. Born Ellen Tree in 1805; died in London, England, on August 21, 1880; sister of singer-actress Maria Bradshaw (Mrs. Bradshaw); sister of a Mrs. Quin, a dancer at the Drury Lane; married Charles John Kean (c. 1811–1868, an actor and second son of Edmund Kean), in January 1842, in Dublin.

Bradshaw, Maria (1801–1862)

English singer and actress. Name variations: Mrs. Bradshaw. Born Ann Maria Bradshaw in 1801; died in 1862; sister of Ellen Kean (1805–1880).

Maria Bradshaw often appeared in the roles of Shakespeare's women: Ophelia, Rosalind, Viola, Imogen, and Julia in Two Gentleman of Verona. She retired in 1825.

Ellen Kean made her debut as Ellen Tree during the 1822–23 season at Covent Garden, playing Olivia to her sister Maria Bradshaw 's Viola in Twelfth Night. Ellen's performance was regarded by the critics as merely promising, forcing the young actress to spend the next four years in the provinces. From 1826 to 1828, Ellen was at the Drury Lane meeting with a more conspicuous success performing in comedies—appearing as Lady Teazle and Jane Shore . She returned to Covent Garden in 1829, where she originated several parts until 1836. While there, she played Romeo to Fanny Kemble 's Juliet. From 1836 to 1839, Kean toured America, becoming famous there under the name Ellen Tree. In 1842, she married Charles Kean, with whom she played leading parts at the Princess Theater in London, and whose success she helped to further. Ellen Kean's greatest successes were in the roles of Viola, Rosalind, Gertrude in Hamlet, and Mrs. Beverley.

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