Soothill, Keith (Leonard)

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SOOTHILL, Keith (Leonard)

SOOTHILL, Keith (Leonard). British, b. 1941. Genres: Criminology/True Crime, Medicine/Health, Sociology. Career: Queen Elizabeth College, London, research assistant, 1965-66; Apex Charitable Trust, research officer, 1966-69; University of London, Institute of Psychiatry, research worker, 1970-72; Lancaster University, Applied Social Science, lecturer, 1972-78, sr. lecturer, 1978-90, professor of social research, 1990-. Publications: The Prisoner's Release, 1974. CO-AUTHOR: Medical Remands in the Criminal Court, 1977; Contemporary British Society, 1988, 3rd ed., 2000; Sex Crime in the News, 1991; New Technology and Practical Police Work, 1992; Medicine and Nursing: Professions in a Changing Health Service 1994; Homicide in Britain, 1999; Making Sense of Criminology. EDITOR/ COEDITOR: Themes and Perspectives in Nursing, 1992, 2nd ed., 1996; Interprofessional Relations in Health Care, 1995; Concepts of Care: Developments in Health and Social Care, 1997; Classic Tests in Health Care, 1998; Criminal Conversations: An Anthology of the Work of Tony Parker, 1999. Address: Dept of Applied Social Science, Lancaster University, Cartmel College, Lancaster LA1 4YL, England. Online address: [email protected]

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