
views updated May 18 2018

rat·tan / raˈtan; rə-/ • n. 1. the thin pliable stems of a palm, used to make furniture. ∎  a length of such a stem used as a walking stick. 2. the tropical Old World climbing palm (genus Calamus) that yields this product, with long, spiny, jointed stems.


views updated May 23 2018


views updated Jun 08 2018

rattan Climbing palm native to the East Indies and Africa. Its stems can grow to 150m (500ft). They are used for making ropes and furniture. Family Arecacae/Palmae; genus Calamus.


views updated May 11 2018

rattan palm of the genus Calamus, stem of this switch or stick made therefrom. XVII. var. of earlier rot(t)ang — Malay rotan.